Wednesday, May 20, 2009

This is a beautiful journey of discovering ones inner self...

Yesterday was weigh-in day but I have decided to change my weigh-in to fridays instead. Tuesday is just not a good day for me. I think it will work better on fridays.

I have been sitting here for a very long time reading blogs. I have come to conclusion. This weight loss journey, that so many of us are on, is a beautiful thing. It is the point in our lives when we are discovering just how much we are worth, how good it feels to take care of our body, the great feeling of pride, and how good it feels to love ourselves even though we are far from perfect. It is when we discover that what is on the outside doesn't have to make us less than anyone else. We are just as good as the models in the magazines, we are just shaped different. We soon find out that we have more power over ourselves than we ever thought. We also find out that we are not on this journey alone. And as an adult I have realized that it is okay to let go of this weight that, as a child, became my security.... I am able to protect myself now so no one else is ever going to hurt me whether I am a size 24 or a size 6, it won't matter. I truly believe the old saying "no one can love you until you love yourself". If we are not worth our own love why would we be worth someone else's love? Nobody wants to love us if they are constantly having to convince us that we are worth it, that becomes a burden for them and we don't want to cause that. This makes us so very vulnerable to abusive relationships. I had never thought about it like that before. It really makes sense though.

This is a beautiful journey of discovering ones inner self. Our inner self is really who we are anyway. All this outside stuff won't matter in the end, but it sure can hold us now back if we let it. It is amazing, what's inside- the power just waiting to be discovering, recongnized and put to use. Have you found yours?
I want to say that I really appreciatte the support I get from everyone who reads my blog. I know I am not real popular on here but it means alot to me that I know I do have a few of you that are in the same place I am. I was about pathetic when I discovered that I had 2 followers, you would have thought I had won the lottery. And getting comments is like getting a birthday present. :) See, I told ya I was pathetic. :) It means alot to know someone is out there listening to this voice that I have found and I love reading your blogs too. Thanks guys!!!


Kim said...

you most definitely are NOT alone!